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Sunday, January 11, 2009

yos-.-LOL hmm i came back blogging because i am bored.But willmost slighty post at most two per month??hahas hmm okies school start quite a few weeks ago and everything seems to be packed??homeworks and ccas plus holiday assignment!=(hahas and today is the release of o levels,well i felt quite happy for bro though as he score a raw score of 10 and he deserved that as well but i won't know where will he be going and i suggested ngee ann poly as it was one of the better poly among the rest but the choice will still be up to him.hahas how i wish i would be able to get those scores zzzzz signs...well okies now its time for me to sleep=pbbies._.

Revenge ) 11:11 PM

Saturday, November 22, 2008

LOL im back!hahas hmm chalet just ended, ytd and somehw it meant alot to me. fr the first and probably the last hopefully there will be another day where the team will gather again.hahas pics will be uplodaed soon so nw its time fr me to sleep again=)super tired zz zzz

Revenge ) 9:38 PM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

hahas 7 more days to mom's birthday!!!!!hahas since nth to do so i am going to do a countdown!!hahas 77777!

Revenge ) 5:32 PM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

LOL FACE OF CENTURY IS GONE lolls hope he nt angry hahas yeah left with d and t papaer nia,but i flunk my poa-.- hahahas.okies nvm at least get a past jiu can liao hahas dun expect anything more than tt lolls anyway today was surpose to read on d and t der but u noe u noe hahas forget it lash d and t nt inportant also=phahaas.hmm one month le bahs since i last post.......couldn get the time and wun be bothered to blog anyway.hmm should i elaborate abt today's event??hahas better nt hors anyway i had spent the past 5 hours on com lash so I WAS BUSY PLAYING CZ HAHAHAHS OKEIS GOING MM AGAIN BBIES KIDDOS

i will learnt to forgive and forget=phahas so fk off bitch!
83 days is nth to me-.-lolls feel so shiok suddenly hahas

Revenge ) 5:35 AM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

lolls friday forget upload the buffet with my aunt cause friday i went eating on jp the japanese buffet there hahas so i upload it nw althought quite long ago le but nvm=)hahas,okay their was like so different??hahas!super nice cause the meat was even more tender than te usual one and the they still gt the eating plan hahas dunno wad der just take fr fun.......hahas ok lash nt bad lash at least i gt update=p

Revenge ) 12:55 AM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

sunday 17 august was ahma birthday hahas forget post the photo lazy lash=phahas anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY AH MA=)

Revenge ) 5:21 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

lolls i kana beaten by cat and scratch by cat LOLLS veri suay rite hahas and this cat was a coward cause it scratch le me jiu run le hahas shiok shiok and i actually won the battle hahas!!!! (blackmailed does nt really make me give it a damn)

Revenge ) 6:05 AM


Revenge that kills.
And now I lay dead right in front of you.
All was part of your plan.
Now, you've killed me.


hh larry lim=) 15 10july


team revival
jac xiao mei



April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009



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